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Biologicals, lame duck or game changer?


WEB-SEMINAR | November 29th 2023 | 10.00 - 10.18 h

Biologicals signify a cultivation with bio-power and represent a promising contribution to sustainable agriculture. Produkt + Markt has accompanied their development process and is pleased to present it in an engaging 18-minute web-seminar:
Based on over 1,000 interviews with farmers, 500 interviews with consumers and studies involving contractors and dealers, Dirk Aderhold and Grischa Muchowski from Produkt + Markt will share insights into the opportunities and challenges that Biologicals pose for crop protection manufacturers.
For additional information, please visit our website.
The web-seminar is aimed at company market researchers. It will be conducted either in German or English, depending on the participants group.

About the speakers:
Dr. Dirk Aderhold is Managing Director Global Agribusiness Research at Produkt + Markt and has been working in agricultural market research for over 20 years after 6 years in the crop protection industry.

Grischa Muchowski has been working at Produkt + Markt for over 15 years and, as a Senior Research Consultant in the Agribusiness Research area, she is responsible for both international and national and qualitative and quantitative research and has a special focus on biologicals and digitalization.


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Our web seminars take place via MS teams. We will be happy to send you the access data promptly after registration.