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Insight Innovation

P+M at Research & Results 2017

Insight Innovation and inspiring exchange for Produkt + Markt at this year’s Research + Results trade show: Just like last year, our experts went back to Munich to wow trade professionals with inspiring workshops and exciting live demos of some of our market research tools. In case you missed our presentations around online communities, shopper insights and brands coming alive, there are download versions waiting for you.

Missed a workshop?
Have you missed a workshop, or are you interested in our presentation? Then feel free to contact us at research-results2017@produktundmarkt.de .


Workshops in review
Online communities, shopper insights, brands in new perspective. Our workshop programme allowed you to gain comprehensive insights into our research. Here is a quick overview of our events at this year’s trade show:


Wouldn’t it be cool if…
Online Communities in the Customer Journey Analysis

The linchpin of customer experience is how the touchpoints are structured and work together. When it comes to analysing customer journeys, online communities play an important role. They enable profound insights into customer behaviour, their individual experiences, and resulting effects. However, it is in optimising customer journeys and individual touchpoints that online communities really come into their own. How can we make use of this strength? How do we not only gain insights, but also develop effective ideas?

Presented by Axel Schomborg, Managing Director and Julia Koch, Senior Research Consultant and certified Design Thinking facilitator


BRAND|VIEW – Brands from a new perspective
BRAND|VIEW is an innovative research tool that makes brands come alive. It activates respondents with its playful approach and consequently provides the customer with qualitative insights as well as valid results. The respondents decide how brands would act in everyday scenarios. By allowing for various storytelling possibilities, BRAND|VIEW provides clear and inspiring results that stand out from the usual flood of data. Academically grounded in a relational model for images as well as a relational model for brands, the results can be validly interpreted and also facilitate scientifically sound analyses.

Presented by Kai Schleyerbach, Senior Research Consultant and certified Design Thinking facilitator


Shopper Insights – mobile
Researching the entire experience, perception, and decision-making process of customers in actual purchasing situations at the POS is still a fascinating challenge for researchers. Digital and mobile information offerings and shopping opportunities do not only influence the shopper, but also enlarge the spectrum of survey methods or innovative combinations thereof for that matter. We provide an insight into our toolbox.

Presented by Claudia Greischel - Division Director Consumer & Retail Research and Julia David – Senior Research Consultant Consumer & Retail Research and certified Design Thinking facilitator


Inspiring live demos at our booth
In addition to our workshops, our booth at the trade fair was also well worth a visit. Here, trade fair visitors had the opportunity to be inspired by live demos of our market research instruments. In or demo of BRAND|VIEW for instance, visitors were asked to assume the role of a brand and go on an adventure. This way they could experience for themselves the playful and intuitive approach of our latest tool. In our live demo of VAL|LERY, we showed the audience how we would emotionally assess their very own touchpoints with the trade show by means of our validated picture gallery tool. At the same time, visitors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in our innovation forum IN|SPIARY in order to see how one would generate authentic insights and precise ideas in collaboration with the target group.


We would like to thank our customers, with whom we were able to hold very personal discussions again this year, and the trade fair visitors for their great interest in our products and Services.