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Articles for "International"

How are we doing today?
How are we doing today? In 2021, overall perceptions of health remain stable compared to 2020 results (from 79% to 77%). When asked on a 10-point scale, men consider themselves healthier ... read more
Germans carefree on the WWW
Germans carefree on the WWW Almost half of the world's population (48%) is concerned about data security on the Internet, a percentage that has risen three points compared to last year (45%). ... read more
Climate change: One day before the deadline, but not too late
Climate change: One day before the deadline, but not too late Climate change and the associated global warming are perceived as a threat to humanity by the vast majority of the world population surveyed. ... read more
Unconcerned on the Net?
Unconcerned on the Net? 31 percent of Germans expressed concern about the digital sharing of their personal data in October 2020 (top3boxes on a scale of 10). Compared to the previous year, this represents a ... read more
In the equality trap!
In the equality trap! Although the home is still perceived by the vast majority as a place of equality in October 2020, the values drop significantly in the pandemic year. 73 percent of all respondents in Germany believe that equality ... read more
 Corona makes Germans fit!
Corona makes Germans fit! Despite all the negative effects of the pandemic, 74 percent of Germans feel healthy in October 2020. This is an increase of 3 percent compared to the previous year and a place in ... read more
German opinion: artificial intelligence should not replace doctors
German opinion: artificial intelligence should not replace doctors Humans preferred: 43 per cent of Germans do not want artificial intelligence (AI) to replace doctors. A similar amount of people in ... read more
P+M trains international design thinkers
P+M trains international design thinkers Building, crafting, inventing effectively – As an innovation approach, Design Thinking is also becoming increasingly popular with companies. Therefore it is all the ... read more
Product Market Research of the Future
Product Market Research of the Future What do international experts predict for the future of product market research? Members of the international WIN network discussed this question in a panel held by the journal ... read more
The optimal price in a globally interconnected market
The optimal price in a globally interconnected market One product, several countries, competing prices. In this international context, how can one find the optimal price for a globally interconnected market? The tool ... read more
Multilateral Pricing
Multilateral Pricing Ever since the launch of the Euro, isolated markets have been a thing of the past. Therefore companies are forced to develop a common pricing policy for all of their sales markets in order ... read more