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Profound insights and successful innovation with our online community

Innovations aren’t a matter of luck; they require a lot of work and proper inspiration. Even today, 70% of all innovations still flop. So if you are looking for new ideas, inspiration, and innovation, you should not simply start your search efforts at random. To gain proper inspiration, our online community IN|SPIARY provides you with profound insights into the minds of your target audience. At the same time, you achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability in the innovation process – scientifically sound.

IN|SPIARY - For Innovation

In a multidisciplinary approach, IN|SPIARY combines the innovation potential of creative consumers, the stimuli of daily life, facilitation methods, and creative techniques. For you as a company, this is your chance to start a conversation with real consumers. Consequently, you will receive specific original ideas. Together with the community, you can refine your innovative concepts, and you can put them to the test in the group in order to put the final finishing touches on them.

IN|SPIARY - For Insights

IN|SPIARY allows you to directly swap ideas with your target audience and to enter their own world, no matter if consumers, B2B customers, or special target groups. This provides you with inspiring and authentic insights in real time. A great variety of facilitation techniques gives you a complex insight into your customers’ daily live.

IN|SPIARY – How it works

  • For a predefined period of time (i.e. 3 weeks), Produkt + Markt sets up a moderated, closed online platform that is individually tailored to the needs of your project.
  • During this time, selected participants swap ideas – creative and motivated minds, lead users, thought leaders, but also typical customers or special target groups. The facilitation will be carefully geared towards your determined objectives (insights, ideas, concept trials).
  • Meanwhile, you will be able to watch the development of ideas and insights in real time. In order to receive suitable solutions, you are also able to control the process, if necessary.
  • Produkt + Markt applies special facilitation techniques to inspire and to improve ideation.
  • In addition to traditional forums, blogs, collages, chats, and photo albums, IN|SPIARY uses all available features of mobile devices (photos, drawings, video, audio) as well, which make it easy to vividly illustrate everyday situations. Thanks to versatile software, there are no limits to communication.

IN|SPIARY – Your Advantages

  • Closed, moderated online community
  • Project reference, temporary (i.e. 3 weeks)
  • A creative, multidisciplinary, and carefully selected ideation team
  • Experienced and well-trained facilitators, who are able to deliberately probe participants and have them delve deeper into certain matters
  • Extended duration (usually 2 to 4 weeks), allowing participants to take in and to cultivate impressions and ideas. This usually yields more profound insights.
  • Target audiences can be freely defined (not a pre-recruited community, but individual project-based recruitment)
  • Ideal conditions for co-creation processes
  • Direct line to your target audience
  • Customers can observe and control the community in real time
  • A systematic and facilitated creative process
  • High productivity by means of:

          - The use of diverse creative techniques and projective processes

          - Facilitating productive group processes

          - Avoiding destructive group processes (Group Think)

          - Possible integration of quantitative methods

          - Efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability
            during the course of the innovation process

          - Scientifically sound methodology, hands-on applied.