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In the equality trap!

WIN study shows Corona impact on women

Although the home is still perceived by the vast majority as a place of equality in October 2020, the values drop significantly in the pandemic year. 73 percent of all respondents in Germany believe that equality "definitely" or "partly" prevails within their own four walls. In 2019, that figure was still 82 percent. These figures reflect the triple burden of home schooling, home office and household chores, which are shouldered more often by women than men.

The declines in approval rates for gender equality in the areas of work and politics are smaller, but the levels are significantly lower overall than the values for equality at home. Only 44 percent of all respondents in Germany believe that equality prevails at work. In the area of politics, the figure is also less than half, at 45 percent.

In a comparison of countries, Finland is in the top 5 of the ranking in the categories of work, politics and home, with 80, 90 and 86 percent respectively. Japan brings up the rear in terms of equality, as it did last year.

In contrast to the falling values for equality at home, the values for physical or psychological violence experienced by women unfortunately remained stable at 12 percent. Despite the pandemic, a similar number of women were also victims of sexual assault as in the previous year, at 9 percent.

These are the results of the WIN World Survey (WWS 2020), which asked, among other things, on a four-point scale to what extent gender equality has been achieved in the countries. A yes and no questionnaire was also used to determine whether the respondent had been the victim of physical or psychological violence or whether he or she had been sexually harassed in the past year.

More detailed, as well as other results, can be found in the official press release at www.winmr.com.  
A total of 29,252 people from 34 different countries were surveyed. As the exclusive German WIN member, Produkt + Markt conducted the study in Germany in October 2020.