Our strong farmer panel for your surveys in Germany

With the POWER|FARMERs we have a panel of highly motivated farmers who are happy to take part in our surveys.

"The surveys are often about exciting topics that make you reflect yourself. This also gives me added value."
Farmer, 39, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 250 ha
There are currently almost 400 farmers participating - farmers with a wide variety of crop rotations, field and special crops - with and without animals. This enables us to select your target group precisely for you, because we know our POWER|FARMERs very well in terms of the following aspects:

With above-average fees and the esteem in which we hold our POWER|FARMERs, we create optimal conditions for a high willingness to participate and high data quality. - Good for you! With above-average fees and the esteem in which we hold our POWER|FARMERs, we create optimal conditions for a high willingness to participate and high data quality. - Good for you!
Areas of application:
The POWER|FARMERs are available for every type of study. They answer your qualitative questions about how and why as well as quantitative questions about how much. They explore in depth with us in one-to-one interviews and develop new ideas together in group discussions.

Use our POWER|FARMER for...
... quick answers to urgent questions, e. g. in quick polls.
... the regular repetition of studies with the same respondents.
... targeted recruitment.
... a high degree of flexibility and exclusivity.
Would you like to learn more about our POWER|FARMER? Use our contact form - a member of the POWER|FARMER team will get in touch with you.