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Mobile Ethnography

Respondents document everyday experiences with their smartphones

Visual material and survey data are merged and analyzed holistically:

  • Accompany your target group in their everyday life for days or weeks.
  • Discover the little ‘gold nuggets’ and casual comments that trigger new fascinating ideas. 
  • Receive pictures, videos, drawings, and comments from people and make use of it for inspiring and giving new impulses to your innovation team.

Mobile ethnography combines the photos and videos made by the participants with their answers given in the interview (e.g. regarding brand preferences and lifestyle habits) and with the participants’ interaction with the product in their everyday life (“context of use”). Like this, e.g. the equipment of the kitchen, or the equipment of electric vehicles or the location and the number of charging stations can be visually documented in order to better classify and understand the answers given in the interviews. 

Our experience shows that visual impressions from the consumers’ world often reveal where there is potential for innovation. Very often, you are surprised which aspects consumers concretely perceive as problematic when using the products. Sometimes, changing the simple things can contribute to a product optimization. 

Get inspired by fascinating and surprising insights!

The advantages of mobile ethnography:

  • direct contact to the target group and authentic insights into your costumers’ world
  • comprehensive understanding of the customer’s values, mindset, and consumer behavior
  • identification of implicit motives that often aren’t verbalizable
  • determination in which context the product is used, or a search for suitable (future) contexts that exceed learned routines
  • conclusions about functions that the product has to fulfil in interaction; thus stimuli for product improvements and innovation
  • insights about moments of truth within the customer journey analysis