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Agribusiness Research

We take pride in being a global leader in agricultural marketing research, with a long-established reputation for quality and innovation. We have a proven track record of supporting our clients in making informed decisions, based on clear recommendations and inspiring insights.

Our clients are business leaders in plant protection, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machinery, farm management systems, construction and many other sectors.
We also work on behalf of public sector organizations, financial institutions, trade associations and NGOs. 
Four decades of experience form the base for well established relationships to all involved parties and for deep market understanding. We have broad access to all the relevant respondent groups.

Whether you wish to explore new markets, measure customer loyalty, evaluate brand strength or gather critical insights from product lifecycle studies, P+M’s dedicated team of agribusiness researchers will support you in designing ‘best in class’ projects for smart decisions.

Our markets and target groups


Sugarcane & sugarbeet
Specialty crops

Plant production products

Growth regulators
Seed treatments & coating
Biologicals, pheromones, beneficials
Growth enhancers

Agricultural equipment

Soil cultivation machinery
Harvesting machinery
Logistic chain

Target groups

Conventional & organic farmers
State, private & trade advisors
Industry experts & kOLs
Wholesalers & retailers
Machine operators
Horticultural growers
Scientific community

Our projects

Helping you to make research-based decisions with confidence

Digital transformation

Status-quo assessment
Digital readiness index
Barriers & leverages
Market adoption

Customer insights

Usage & attitude
Needs assessment & gap analysis
Customer segmentation

Targeting & positioning

Concept testing
Claim/message tests
Product positioning
Price sensitivity analysis
Market potential assessment

Marketing effectiveness & communication

Brand monitoring/performance tracking
Brand image & equity
Brand positioning
Generic defense
Reputation management
Ad pre/post testing
Ad effectiveness
Social media monitoring

Customer experience

Customer satisfaction and loyalty
Touch point analysis
Customer journey analysis
Sales force effectiveness
Usability tests


Multi component price optimization
Cross-country price optimization
Portfolio pricing


Creative Problem Solving
Design Thinking & Prototyping
Business Model Innovation
Empathy maps

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