More speed, more depth:
How AI is turning qualitative market research upside down

AI is turning things upside down. In market research, too. While companies and researchers have had to wait a relatively long time for results, especially in qualitative surveys, AI now ensures that insights are evaluated at unprecedented speed. This is accompanied by another invaluable advantage. Because the fast results mean that important trends and topics can be explored in greater depth in the survey process even during the field time. For insights that might have remained hidden without agile project management.
Open ended questions are worth their weight in gold. Only in this way can decision-makers get a picture of how the market works and what the target group really thinks. But until now, this required one thing above all: time. Especially in the evaluation of the results. A circumstance that has prevented many companies from incorporating well-founded customer surveys into important decisions. With AI, this could change fundamentally.
Speech2Analytics: faster, deeper and more scientific

Perhaps one of the most innovative solutions currently available: Speech2Analytics.
Whether individual conversations or group discussions - anyone who evaluates qualitative surveys with Speech2Analytics will have precise results on the table within a very short time. This is made possible by a tool that Produkt + Markt developed together with the Osnabrück-based start-up deepsight using a browser-based platform. The recordings of the interviews are transcribed and evaluated in the blink of an eye using artificial intelligence. Without time-consuming protocols and long waits for the results. In addition, the tool in the form of an independent AI researcher brings even more depth and scientificity to the analysis besides speed. The risk of evaluation bias is minimised and the coding and clustering is done completely automatically.
New dimension of agile project management
Speech2Analytics provides us and you as the client with highly relevant insights into the interviews conducted at a very early stage. This means that we can still intervene in the further questioning during the field time in order to deepen exactly those points that are really important. "With AI, we are creating a completely new dimension of agile project management. Through the individual approach, we quickly penetrate to the insights that provide answers to strategic questions. And more reliably than ever before," says Dr Jessica Schomberg, Senior Research Consultant at Produkt + Markt responsible for the development of new innovative tools. She is certain: AI is becoming an indispensable partner in market research. And the great thing is: "We are always amazed at the potential of AI. And to use them sensibly is just tremendous fun for us and our clients!"